Does Dr. Hines diagnose autism?

A pediatric neurologist, psychiatrist or developmental pediatrician is usually expected to make the diagnosis. However, Dr. Hines is able to recognize symptoms in children as young as 12 months by indicators such as abnormal primary reflexes. 

Dr. Hines would like to avert a diagnosis by implementing early biomedical intervention.

What ages does Dr. Hines treat?

Infants (starting at 12 months) to seniors.

Can Dr. Hines be a Primary Care doctor for us?

No. Dr. Hines is a trained, integrative physician serving you as specialized health consultant.

Does she only see patients on the autism spectrum?

No. Dr. Hines will meet with individuals looking for a holistic approach to a variety of conditions.

Will she see children who are unvaccinated?


Does your practice accept insurance?

We are a self-pay clinic. We accept cash, checks and credit cards. You are welcome to file insurance on your own as some labs and services may be covered.