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Located off Stratford Road in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, we provide individualized care for anyone on (or possibly on) the autism spectrum.

We see just one patient at a time. The space and visit is yours.

Dr. Hines will listen to your concerns after reviewing the forms you have completed ahead of your visit.

She may or may not physically examine your child on the initial visit. This is in order to build a relationship and get acquainted. However, she is observing your child’s actions, interactions and behaviors throughout your time together.

Basic testing is ordered that provides feedback on fundamental issues such as anemia, fat soluble vitamin insufficiency, heavy metal toxicities, liver challenges, b12 status, thyroid function, iron sufficiency, immune issues and health of the GI tract.

Addressing nutrition and gut health are foundational challenges.

Depending on your child’s profile, that will may lead us to do other testing such as heavy metal burden, auto-antibodies or parasite testing.

Subsequent Visits

During your follow-up visit, Dr. Hines will review the findings of the testing.

At this point we will be able to profile/categorize your child’s problems being due to nutritional issues, immune disorder, or toxic burden.
She will prescribe a highly personalized care plan that will likely involve dietary changes, supplements and weekly or daily practices.
Dr. Hines feels that motor-sensory integration therapy is essential to achieving an optimal result, so she may share more about that approach. The intent of biomedical treatment is to make all other therapies more effective, including Applied Behavior Analysis (or ABA).

Subsequent visits will track progress and allow for fine-tuning and continued impact as your child grows and develops.

Some of the Conditions We Treat:

Autism spectrum disorders, Speech and language delays, Processing disorders, Learning disabilities, Anxiety, Chronic neuro-developmental conditions, Obsessions and compulsions, ADD/ADHD, Tic disorders, Sleep disturbances, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Gastrointestinal Issues, Chronic constipation, Gluten and other food sensitives, Dysbiosis and SIBO, Other GI complaints


Our Exam Room

(Also called “The Playroom”)